Plastics Acronyms used in the description of the Trade Names
ABA | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Acrylate |
ABS | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene |
AES | Acrylonitrile Ethylene Styrene |
ASA | Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate |
CA | Cellulose Acetate |
CAB | Cellulose Acetate Butyrate |
CAP | Cellulose Acetate Propionate |
CF | Cellulose Formaldehyde |
CN | Cellulose Nitrate |
CP | Cellulose Priopionate |
CPE | Chlorinated PolyEthylene |
CPVC | Chlorinated PolyVinyl Chloride |
CTFE | ChloroTriFluoroEthylene |
EC | Ethyl Cellulose |
EEA | Ethylene Ethyl Acrylate |
EMA | Ethylene Methacrylic Acid |
EP | Epoxy |
EPDM | Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer |
EPM | Ethylene Propylene |
ETFE | Ethylene TetraFluoroEthylene |
EVA | Ethylene Vinyl Acetate |
EVOH | Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol |
FF | Furan Formaldehyde |
FEP | Perfluoro Ethylene Propylene |
HDPE | High Density PolyEthylene |
HIPS | High Impact PolyStyrene |
ICP | Inherently Conductive Polymers |
LCP | Liquid Crystal Polymer |
LDPE | Low Density PolyEthylene |
LEP | Light Emitting Polymer |
LLDPE | Linear Low Density PolyEthylene |
LMDPE | Linear Medium Density PolyEthylene |
m | Metallocene |
MBS | Methacrylate Butadiene Styrene |
MC | Methyl Cellulose |
MDPE | Medium Density PolyEthylene |
MF | Melamine Formaldehyde |
MMA | Methyl MethAcrylate |
PA | PolyAmide |
PAA | PolyAcrylic Acid |
PAE | PolyArylEther |
PAEK | PolyAryl Ether Ketone |
PAI | PolyAmide Imide |
PAN | PolyAcryloNitrile |
PAni | Polyaniline |
PAR | Polyisopropylidenediphenylene terephthalate/isophthalate copolymer |
PARA | PolyArylamid (Polyaramide) |
PAS | PolyArylSulfone |
PB | PolyButene |
PBT | PolyButylene Terephthalate |
PC | PolyCarbonate |
PCT | PolyCyclohexylene dimethyl Terephthalate |
PCTFE | PolyChloroTriFluoroEthylene |
PDAP | Poly Diallyl Phthalate |
PE | PolyEthylene |
PEBA | PolyEther Block Amide |
PEEK | PolyEtherEtherKetone |
PEI | PolyEtherImide |
PEK | PolyEtherKetone |
PEN | PolyEthylene Naphthalate |
PEOX | PolyEthylene Oxide |
PES | PolyEther Sulfone |
PET | PolyEthylene Terephthalate |
PF | Phenol Formaldehyde |
PFF | Phenol Furfural |
PI | PolyImide |
PIB | PolyIsoButylene |
PK | Polyketone |
POM | PolyOxyMethylene |
PMMA | PolyMethyl MethAcrylate |
PMMI | PolyMethyl MethacrylImide |
PP | PolyPropylene |
PPA | PolyPhthalAmide |
PPE | PolyPhenylene Ether |
PPO | PolyPhenylene Oxide |
PPS | PolyPhenylene Sulfide |
PS | PolyStyrene |
PSU | PolySulfone |
PTFE | PolyTetraFluoroEthylene |
PUR | PolyUrethane |
PVAC | PolyVinyl Acetate |
PVOH | PolyVinyl Acohol |
PVB | PolyVinyl Butyral |
PVC | PolyVinyl Chloride |
PVF | PolyVinyl Fluoride |
PVP | PolyVinyl Pyrrolidone |
SAN | Styrene AcryloNitrile |
SBS | Styrene Butadiene Styrene |
SEBS | Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene |
SIS | Styrene Isoprene Styrene |
TPE | ThermoPlastic Elastomer |
TPO | ThermoPlastic Olefin |
TPU | Thermoplastic PolyUrethane |
TSPU | ThermoSet PolyUrethane |
UF | Urea Formaldehyde |
UHMWPE | Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene |
VCE | Vinyl Chloride Ethylene |